Marginated Tortoise Diet

 For Marginated tortoise diets, a bountiful source of nutrition can be found right in your own backyard or garden.

  • Broad leaf greens. Greens, Dandelions, Romaine Lettuce.   I have bought this packet of seeds and planted dandelions for them.

  • Clovers. I throw a bag of clover seed in my backyard every year and they love it.  

  • Fescue grasses

  • Hibiscus leaves

  • Mulberry Leaves

For a comprehensive list of wild plants that your tortoises will relish, check out the Tortoise Table, an excellent resource.

When wild plants are scarce or unavailable, the grocery store is a great option. My Marginateds adore:

  • Greens like Collard, Mustard, and Turnip,

  • Kale

  • Raddicio

  • Romaine Lettuce.

  • Optunia Cactus is also a fantastic option.  In the US these can often be found at Latino Grocery stores.

  • Occasionally, I treat them with Blueberries, Apples, and Mushrooms.

Tortoise Pellet Food
I occasionally supplement my tortoises' diet with Mazuri Tortoise Food, which I moisten down and dust with Calcium, dried weeds, and grass clippings once a week. This is especially helpful for adult females after they have laid eggs, as it replenishes their reserves.

How much do I feed?
When it comes to feeding, I give them as much as they will eat in about 30 minutes once a day. As they get older than five years, I typically feed every other day, or even less often when they have access to outdoor grazing areas.

Calcium Supplements
To ensure their calcium requirements are met, I keep cuttlebone in all their areas for them to chomp on at their convenience. For growing newborns and adult females, I sprinkle their food with a Calcium supplement once or twice a week. I use Calcium Carbonate Powder.